KORAFF Founder, Susan S. Chung
In June 2010, Mrs. Chung established Korean Adoptee Family Foundation in Seattle, Washington to meet the complex needs of Korean adoptees and adoptive families. She is responsible for directing cultural events and culture camps for adoptees, as well as counseling teens and parents as they embark on their birth searches. Mrs. Chung also initiated and continues to organize KORAFF's life-changing birthland tours.
Through her gentle heart and passionate leadership, KORAFF has extended its services to reach out to hundreds of Korean adoptees and adoptive families in the United States.
Advisory Board Members
Matt Larson Mayor of Snowqualmie County, WA"KORAFF encourages adoptees and families to connect with open hearts and open mind. Activities are fun and casual so that everyone can explore the adoption experience based on their individual interest levels and goals."
Arik Korman — Adoptive Parent
"KORAFF is a tremendous resource for my family. We have been attending KORAFF events for nearly five years, since our son was 4, and we have greatly appreciated the Korean cultural awareness we have all gained, the community of other adoptee families and KORAFF volunteers, and the fun. We look forward to every KORAFF event".
Tracy Dethlefs — Adoptive Parent
“KORAFF has been an invaluable connection for our family to deepen our family’s knowledge and appreciation of our son’s Korean heritage. We have been going since he was 5 years old and have developed some deep friendships. We also have noticed that our son’s pride in being Korean has grown rather than diminished as he has gotten older and we believe that is in part due to his awareness of his culture and the events that KORAFF provides for this community of families. KORAFF has a enriching impact on Korean adoptees and their families.”
Julie Heise Adoptive Parent, KORAFF Families
“KORAFF has been a warm and welcoming community that has helped our daughter stay in touch with her Korean roots. By sharing their culture, KORAFF members have developed a positive image of Korean Americans of Amelie and her friends.”
Roy Chung Cofounder & Advisor
Albert Kang NGO Doctor
Student Volunteers Committee
Natalie So President (International H)
Daniel Choi President (Newport H)
Joy Cho (VicePresident,Newport H, Sign, Sound Tech
Claudia Song (Vice President,Newport H Dance)
Austin Ryu (Issaquah H) Korean, Web Manager
Dylan Kim (Issaquah H)
Justin Song (Newport H) Taekwondo, Game
Olivia Park (Interlake H) Craft, Dance
Sophie Kim (President Elect,Bellvue H)
Logan Park (President Elect,Bellevue H)
Maya Strophy (Bellevue H) Evite
Owen Sagen (Kentlake H) Taekwondo
Joon Rich (Liberty H)
Alyssa Choi (Newport H) Korean, Dance
Ryan Lee (Issaquah H)
What is KORAFF?
We are the Korean Adoptee Family Foundation. KORAFF strives to meet the needs of Korean adoptees and their adoptive families by providing important cultural resources that they otherwise would not have access to.
Who We Are
KORAFF is a student volunteers-run non-profit organization providing assistance to Korean adoptee families. KORAFF is a non-profit organization recognized by IRS which strives to meet the needs of our Korean adoptees and families everyday.
Our Mission
Our mission is to assist internationally adopted children in developing their identities through enriching education programs relative to their country of birth and to gather and distribute information and resources to promote healthy adoptive families.